welfare aziendale sefin

Welfare, people caring and benefits


We have combined the experience gained over the years both in business and in the management of human resources by putting at the center of our work two fundamental concepts: well-being and productivity.

Our corporate welfare supported by technological innovation gives advantages to employees and to the company itself, thanks to a greater attention to measures of prevention and protection of health and well-being of people, time and cost savings and the related increase in productivity and involvement of human resources.

Employees are the true assets of every company!

The Sefin Welfare includes goods and services that Sefin makes available to its employees and their families in order to improve their private and working lives. The methods used consist of both monetary benefits and the provision of services, or a mix of the two solutions.

In this particular phase of the health emergency linked to Covid-19, between smart working and the gradual resumption of production activities at headquarters, Sefin has been called upon to have a new sense of responsibility and to make welfare an all-round strategy. It's not just a matter of continuing to provide goods and services to employees who go to work; the biggest challenge has been the condition of smart workers who from one day to the next have found themselves having to guarantee their service in a particular and sometimes stressful condition that has invaded their private lives as well.

Sefin corporate welfare plan areas and people caring initiatives


All information and insights are available in the intranet reserved area: X:\Welfare Aziendale


Ticket and refreshment area


Sefin S.p.A. provides its employees with a canteen replacement service through the allocation of electronic meal vouchers applied on a special card.

Login for employees

A refreshment area is available within the structure, an ideal meeting point during the lunch break and exchange of ideas and opinions between colleagues.

Sustainable mobility


By sustainable mobility we mean all modes of travel, especially urban, capable of reducing the environmental, social and economic impacts generated by private vehicles.

Starting from 2019, Sefin offers its employees reimbursement for local public transportation expenses.

Smart working


SEFIN guarantees a balance and an alternation between smart working and face-to-face work, considering interpersonal relationships and human contact in the workplace a fundamental value that encourages a serene climate and a proactive dialogue between colleagues. Here are some of the initiatives adopted to facilitate the work:

  • Remote access to enterprise systems
  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
  • Platforms that unify communication channels
  • Hourly flexibility

Company training

formazione aziendale

In order to encourage continuous learning and professional growth, Sefin provides employees with professional courses delivered by the Sefin Academy both in-person and through an e-learning platform. In addition, in collaboration with one of the most renowned schools in programming/coding, Sefin has outlined online training paths for its employees that guide the user step-by-step in learning programming languages such as Angular, React, Vue.js, TypeScript, Javascript, Python, Node.js, HTML, CSS, PHP, Java, Android, jQuery, Ajax, Flutter, Kotlin, Swift, Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning, Git, Docker and more.

Welfare Credit

Credito Welfare

Sefin has implemented innovative policies and tools that allow employee access to goods and services that meet individual or household/family needs. Essentially, the employee will be granted an amount (precisely the Welfare Credit) at his or her disposal that can be applied to freely take advantage of services of interest to each individual.

The Welfare Credit allows the employee to benefit from 100% of the amount allocated to him/her (gross=net value), which is totally exempt from taxes and contributions.

Team Building

team building

“Fun with Sefin” is the new initiative created by Sefin to carry out team building activities. Team building in the corporate environment constitutes a set of recreational, cultural and sports activities whose purpose is to facilitate People Interaction. Fun with Sefin activities offer all members of the organization an informal environment for socializing and networking.

Check out the current activities

Information and references


With UNISALUTE the employee can rely on a widespread network of health facilities throughout Italy.

Reserved area 

The benefits of the health plan provided by Unisalute include:

  • Hospitalization in a medical institution
  • Medical transport
  • Transplantation
  • Newborns
  • Substitutive allowance
  • Home Hospitalization
  • Assistance Services
  • Dental Diagnostic Assessments
  • Dental services
  • Diagnostic services
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Consulting Services


It is an exclusive club of selected conventions that offers products and services at reserved conditions in various areas (home, travel, cinema and theater tickets, beauty, wellness, etc..


ASSINTEL Conventions

Sefin S.p.A. is an associate member of Assintel. The facilities primarily concern areas such as:

  • Free time and family
  • Cars and mobility
One of the advantages of being an Assintel member is access to various conventions, such as a 40% discount on all Italo train routes.

For further details, please refer to the following link:


Parking /Garage

Parking spaces or a reduced daily rate for the use of the garage are available to employees.

To use the service it is necessary to book through the documents located in the intranet area accessible only to Sefin employees.


Edenred 4You allows you to benefit from offers, promotions and advantages offered by a network of carefully selected brands: from travel to entertainment, from food to technology. From the Edenred website/portal:
https://beneficiari.edenred.it/web/portale-beneficiari you can access the section "reserved advantages" Edenred4you.


Fondo Est is an organization that allows you to join a supplementary insurance for health care, aimed at employees who have signed a contract in the field of Commerce, Tourism and Services.

Le prestazioni gestite direttamente dal fondo sono:

Maternity package
  • Specialist visits
  • Diagnostics and therapy
  • Health tickets for diagnostic examinations and First Aid
  • Lenses and glasses
  • Physiotherapy
  • Rehabilitation and monitoring
  • Acupuncture
  • Orthopedic medical devices and aids
  • Disability

The site to access is the following: http://www.fondoest.it/

Benefits and conventions

  • Unisalute
  • parking
    Parking /Garage
  • mensa
    ASSINTEL Conventions
  • ennevolte

    Products and services at reserved conditions
  • convenzione italo
    Italo treno - discount
  • fondoest
    Health care