Factoring Management: W-First
W-First – Solutions for Factoring company
W-First Web Factoring In Real Time System. A product and a service leader in the field since 1981.
W-first is a multidivisa management software, multilingual, multimarket, modular and fully parameterizable.
The application consists of independent modules: the user can only acquire those related to their needs with the obvious savings on the cost of software.
W-first is designed to exchange data with external systems (assignors, debtors, banks) and to talk using the coding of said systems.
Allows the user to supply data in an elementary form, where possible, delegating the logics related to the reports to the system.
It has a simple structure that can be quickly adapted and with limited investments to the very probable changes that will be required by the Bank of Italy.
Uses "simple" IT tools and therefore common to all the various systems installed; this setting will allow the applicability of the application, with relative maintenance, without major investments.
- Installed; this setting will allow the applicability of the application, with relative maintenance, without major investments.
- It avoids the end user to make investments in expensive basic software, thus losing the advantages gained with a common application system.
- You can parameterize as much as possible for immediate adjustment to any changes requested by the Bank of Italy.
Anti-Money Laudering
ARCWEB is the software that manages the flow of information to be detected for the purposes of the provisions
Aggregated reports S.AR.A.
Lists for Customer Due Diligence
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Financial investigations
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Anti-money Laundering Questionnaire
Tax registry information system
1. enter and search for personal data of physical and legal subjects
2. enter and search for existing relationships with legal physical subjects
3. view and search for both personal data and reports automatically uploaded from files.
4. generate the files for the reference period selected in a format useful for the Inland Revenue
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