
assilea socio aggregato

"Assilea (Italian Leasing Association) carries out information and assistance activities in favor of the Associates, representing at different levels and in the various institutional offices, national and foreign, all the inherent issues in the leasing activity in all of its forms (from financial leasing to operating leasing and long-term leasing).

To this end, it promotes studies and research and maintains relationships with public and private institutions, formulating behavior guidelines and carrying out specific initiatives aimed at promoting leasing activities in all of its forms and at regulating leasing activities consistent with the nature and the peculiar characteristics of the related transactions.

At national level, Assilea is a member of the Italian Banking Association and participates in all the technical commissions of direct or indirect leasing activities.

He is also a Founding Member of the O.I.C., the Italian Accounting Body, collaborating institutionally with Confindustria and with the primary national associations representing the producers and distributors of the goods and the target markets of the product.

At an international level, Assilea participates with its own representatives in the Bodies and activities of the European Federation of Associations of Leasing Companies (Leaseurope) and has direct collaborative relationships with the main international Leasing Institutions ..."

"The Presidency Office of Assilea, on October 22nd 2010, approved the registration of SEFIN in the C) list of Aggregate Members".

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